Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can dreams come true?

I was walking through the parking lot yesterday... holding D.s hand like usual... and my phone rings! I freak out and start looking around, remembering my dream, ignore my phone, and I see this lady that was sitting in her running car, start backing out while looking at HER cell phone! She was backing out fast and not paying attention! I had to grab D's. and jump out of the way!!! I wouldn't of saw it if I was looking for my phone to answer it!! I just grabbed D. and started bawling. I keep d. on the inside of me so he isn't by the cars passing. So it was the car, d. then me. He would have got hit first. If I didn't have that dream a few nights in a row I wouldn't have been thinking about it and my son would have gotten hit. I'm still shaking thinking about it...