Sunday, October 5, 2008


I keep having the same dream that my 2 1/2 year old dies. We are walking through a parking lot. I'm holding his hand so he doesn't run. My cellphone rings, so I look down to answer it, and a lady backs out with out looking and hits my son. Had I not been looking at my cellphone he might not get hit. But she hits him just hard enough that he has internal bleeding. The docs cant save him and he dies.
If you know my son you know that he LOVES trains. In my dream I buy him train jamies to bury him in.
I see him in his coffin... Someone brushed his hair to the side and it didn't look like him. I was trying to fix it and my mother in law comes up and starts yelling at me about how its disrespectful to bury him in pajamas. I told her I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. She yells at me and tells me I'm stupid. I go to put his fav. trains in his coffin with him and she starts yelling at me again. I told her I wanted him to be able to play with them in heaven and she yells at me and says "He will never play with them again you stupid idiot. Hes dead because you cared about your cellphone more then your son." I wake up crying.
I don't know why I would have such bad dreams about my mother in law. We have a great relationship... I don't know. But I wish the dreams would stop. Im scared to answer my phone in a public place now.

I have also had a dream about us getting in a car accident and having to make the decision to take him off life support. I decide to donate his origins. In my dream I meet the little boy that takes D. heart and I put my hand over his chest and say "Take care of my sons heart" and I wake up crying.

Why am I dreaming my son is going to die??? I couldn't survive that. There is no way I would be able to come back after the loss of my son. I think I would die.

1 comment:

Just Lisa said...

I read through all your blog posts, and I just wanted to let you know I'm here if you ever want to talk. I also have suffered a miscarriage, before my daughter was born.